the curiosity project

This podcast just might inspire you...

This podcast just might inspire you...

Breaking free from an identity we’ve claimed or been given is an act of courage. And courage requires choice. In the Podcast, Dan explores what Redefining oneself means to a broad range of brilliant and interesting guests whose stories are not merely entertaining but also incredibly inspiring.  So how did Jen and I make the cut? Well, asking questions is what we do, and what we train people to do. 

How one tiny step can change your life…

How one tiny step can change your life…

So often we set lofty goals for ourselves, like “I’m going to the gym every day this week!” or “I’m going to write for 2 hours every day!” And that can be okay, except that often, when we falter or miss a day we feel like we’ve failed and we give up completely. 

Sometimes all it takes is a tiny step to create a big change. I call these micro-actions. 

On Being Courageous

On Being Courageous

Here we are, another trip around the sun complete. As cliche as it can feel at times with resolutions and so on, the New Year marks a significant passage of time and an opportunity for us to take stock.

I’ve been thinking about what I want to invite in for 2017, what I want to create/manifest/experience. And the word that keeps coming up is Courage. This poem appeared in my inbox the other day;

The Talking Circle

The Talking Circle

I hardly know where to start. Yesterday the people of the United States of America had a chance to choose their next leader. Most of us had opinions, some of them very passionate, about who that should be. 

I am not American, and did not have a vote. I care because I know that a leader sets the tone and helps create the energy for the whole team, be it a school, an organization, or a country. To say I was surprised at the result would be a gross understatement. I was utterly gobsmacked and stuck in a perspective that all those people who voted for President-elect Donald Trump were simply wrong.