This podcast just might inspire you...

Recently I had the honor (along with Jen Lara my dear colleague and friend) of participating in a podcast called Redefine U, hosted by the incomparable Dan Baum, Executive Director of Strategic Communications at Anne Arundel Community College in MD. 

The topic of Redefine U is inextricably linked to the act of asking ourselves questions that explore who we are and who we are becoming. When I was a kid I was raised to believe that I had to choose a career, one career, and make that my focus. Those of you who know me know that is SO not within my character and essence…”choose one thing to do forever???” No way.  And for a long time I may have been viewed as scattered, unfocused, etc.  But now that notion is changing.  People of all ages are starting new careers, new academic programs, learning new skills, trying new things, pursuing dreams. My coaching clients have ranged in age from 25 to 80. Curious people asking curious questions. 

“The only constant is change” ~ Heraclitus

Breaking free from an identity we’ve claimed or been given is an act of courage. And courage requires choice. In the Podcast, Dan explores what Redefining oneself means to a broad range of brilliant and interesting guests whose stories are not merely entertaining but also incredibly inspiring.  So how did Jen and I make the cut? Well, asking questions is what we do, and what we train people to do. 

Cultivating curiosity for the purpose of learning, growth, relationship building, innovation, and fun is only the tip of the iceberg. When we ask ourselves (and those around us) the challenging questions about what we really want, what we dream about, what we envision for our futures and our legacies we open the door to possibility, and we get to choose which path to walk (or run) on. And with every step we take, we evolve, we reinvent ourselves, we redefine who we are. This is why coaching, not only being coached but  having the tools to be coach like is invaluable.  

What are your dreams? What do you want your legacy to be? What is the question you most need to be asked? Each story on the podcast is tied to the guests personal experience, true nature, and core values. Our passions and interests change over time and so do we, if we choose to. Asking questions helps us engage with life. 

Curious? Listen to the podcast, contact Jen or myself, or just start a conversation with someone. 

This podcast was only as powerful and compelling as it was because of Dan’s fabulous team (Allison Baumbusch, Jeremiah Prevatte, Amy Willard, Alicia Renehan, Angie Hamlet, and Ben Pierce) and the magic that happens we all get curious. 

SO when is the perfect time to redefine yourself? You get to choose. It all starts with a curious question. 

What’s your dream?

What’s the thing you’s most like to see change in your life (or int he world?)

What makes you feel most alive?

Have a great day, and don’t forget to listen to the podcast.


PS. remember, I always love to hear from you so drop me a note anytime!  And if you are curious, you can read my past blog posts here.

#staycurious #leadership #create #coaching #curiosity 

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