I want deeper connections… Do you?

Hi friends,

I'm going out of my comfort zone today to share a new project I've been working on. It's called the Deeper Connection Challenge and it's all about using curiosity to help us create better relationships and better lives. And the way that it's out of my comfort zone is that I've had to embrace using video and technology in a whole new way... I may not be afraid to hurl myself down the mountain on skis or a bike but videotaping myself is a whole different scary thing! 

I've partnered with a really cool platform called Obii to make it really easy for you to participate. Why would you want to do this?

  • Do you want to be more open and curious?

  • Do you want the people in your life to feel seen and heard?

  • Do you want to be a better listener?

  • Can your relationships be better?

Over the course of 21 days you'll have access to short videos (featuring mostly me and a couple of super cool guests), challenges, and a chance to reflect on your experiences in a journal which is included. Every time you watch a video or complete a task you'll also collect points toward earning a free 30 minute coaching session with me.

I've chosen this theme because in these challenging times it's even more important to be curious, and not make assumptions about what's true, and not judge people for their actions.  Now more than ever it's a time for us to be good listeners and be there for each other. 

So what will you get out of this?

  • A renewed awareness of when you're making assumptions and judgments that are getting in your way and in the way of creating better relationships.

  • A tune-up on your listening skills.

  • Some serious flexing of your curiosity muscle. 

  • AND if you collect enough points, free coaching.

    And it takes only 10 to 15 minutes a day. 

So if you're curious and want to go further click this link to sign up. 

The challenge begins on May 11 and if you sign up by May 6 it's only $39, after that it's $49. I urge you to invite friends to do this with you so that you can share your experiences as you go along and help each other stay on track through the 21 days, and beyond if you choose. Having two or three accountability partners can make this even more fun. 

If you're still reading, thank you for hanging in there and being curious. Once again here's the link, sign up by May 6 to get the early bird discount, and enter the code EARLYBIRD.

Be calm, be kind, be safe. 

