Know Your Superpower; Understand Your Impact (e-book)


Know Your Superpower; Understand Your Impact (e-book)


This is a guide to understanding your superpowers and those of others and discovering ways to leverage them. Every one of us has superpowers.  We tend to have one that is more dominant and comes so naturally that we don’t even know we have it. When we become aware of our main superpower and understand it, we open the door to the opportunity to create a compelling and powerful impact on others. When we are connected with our superpowers we are naturally more instinctive and authentic and have better capacity to build relationships and create intentional impact.

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Each of us has superpowers that affect how we lead, teach, and show up in the world, and they are what make us compelling to others. We’re born with them, and even if all the lessons we learned in life were wiped away, our superpowers would be still be part of us, and we tend to use it so naturally that we don’t even know we have it.

The focus of this book and assessment is to explain and help you identify your most dominant superpowers and gain an understanding of how to best leverage them in the workplace, home, and community. When we are connected to our superpowers we are naturally more instinctive and authentic and have a better capacity to build relationships, be effective, and create intentional impact.

The book includes one FREE self assessment and personalized report and you will automatically receive updates of new editions with more information. You will receive a download link for the self assessment after purchase.